Time Forum (TF)

-English Discussion Group -

Time Forum (TF) is a weekly English discussion group established in 1997.

TF is held every week online.

Date & Time: Every Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to noon

Fee : Free (Note. A fund-raising activity is conducted when there is a shortage of operating funds.)

If you are interested in joining the TF online meeting, feel free to contact the following email address:



It has been long since the term “internationalization” or “globalization” characterized the world in which we live. As more and more international or cross-cultural exchanges take place at all levels of society, both understanding and misunderstanding among the people of the world seem to be increasing, with the latter unfortunately leading to many undesired incidents. Under such circumstances, communication seems to be the key to minimize misunderstanding and maximize understanding among the people. Verbal communication, in particular, is a very effective, if not the only, means of understanding each other. Discussing current events would make us think about the world in which we live and ourselves who live in the world. The discussion in this sense would relate us to the world, the world to us, and us to each other. It would expand our intellectual and perceptive horizons through the open and frank exchange of opinions.


Time Forum is a weekly English forum to discuss current events. It provides an arena in which the participants can exchange their views freely and candidly and aims to enhance their knowledge and awareness of current news topics, communication skills in discussion, and mutual understanding through discussion. In order to set a direction in discussion each week, Time Forum brings into focus the topics featured in The Economist's cover story and TIME Magazine's "MOST READ" as common topics for discussion. The discussion is not, however, limited to the common topics only. Any other current news topics you are interested in can also be discussed. The Economist or TIME Magazine can be used as a reference material, but reading The Economist or TIME Magazine articles beforehand is not a requisite for joining Time Forum.


Anyone interested can participate in Time Forum, which meets as described above.            

     Yoshihito  Kurasawa